The Red Book standard is supported for creating masters, which can be burned directly to disc in uncompressed linear pulse-code modulation (PCM) or compressed formats. A brickwall limiter with a number of modes is also provided and in the Pro X4 Suite version, intersample peaks are also taken into account. A checklist for settings to be copied is provided, and this includes VST plug-ins, AUX buses, submix buses, and VSTi return tracks.Ī six-band equalizer has oversampling and linear phase modes, and a multiband stereo enhancer allows the stereo image of an individual frequency range, or the entire mix, to be modified during mastering. The user can copy tracks within and between projects. These allow the user to apply nondestructive effects, editing, or routing at the object level. A Take Composer feature allows multiple recordings of a particular passage to be displayed and combined.Īlong with the usual track editing functions, Samplitude Pro X4 also has object editing tools. Automated parameters can include volume, pan, or Virtual Studio Technology (VST) effects, and they can be edited simultaneously. Several subtracks or automation lanes can be used to display and edit track automation.

Both 16- and 32-bit floating point audio formats are supported at sampling rates up to 384 kHz.

Up to 999 tracks can be used and there can be up to 256 inputs and outputs. The DAW can now support central processing units (CPUs) with up to 32 cores and new features include automation lanes that give an overview of track automation data, a new plug-in browser for quickly searching for effects and instruments, new MIDI editing functions, 17 virtual instruments, and the Independence Pro Plus sampler.

The software is available in two versions, the Samplitude Pro X4 and the Samplitude Pro X4 Suite, a version that includes more advanced tools and features. This latest version of Samplitude, the Pro X4, adds new virtual instruments, new workflows, improvements to automation, editing of effects parameters, improvements to the MIDI editor, and a more efficient workflow when using plug-ins. In terms of music production, it offers options for producing scores, functions for MIDI editing, and virtual instruments, and it also allows the user to work on large arrangements of tracks with intuitive mixing, flexible routing, and automations. The software application was designed to be sound neutral for recording and to provide optimal latency management. Magix’s Samplitude is a digital audio workstation (DAW) for recording, mixing, mastering, and music production (see Figure 1).